‹ Typography



Titles h1-h6


  • .title-xxl – Hero title, ideally this style would apply only to home page elevator pitch title
  • .title-xl – Page titles
  • .title-l – Section titles, used for bold titles marking sections and subtitles accompanying Hero title
  • .title-m – Subsection titles, katalog thumb titles
  • .title-s – Thumb name titles
  • .title-xs – Mini titles, used for Weitere Daten and similar labels
  • .title-xs-alt – Mini titles, used for media entry authors
  • .separated – Separated with a bottom border
  • .separated.light – Separated with a light bottom border

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-xxl'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-xl'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-l'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-m'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-s'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-xs'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='title-xs-alt'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='separated'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>

This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines

<h1 class='separated light'>This is a rather long title that might go onto two lines</h1>