@prefix Keyword: . @prefix madek: . @prefix madek_copyright: . @prefix madek_core: . @prefix madek_media_content: . @prefix madek_zhdk_bereich: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . a madek:MediaEntry; madek_copyright:copyright_usage "Das Werk darf nur mit Einwilligung des Autors/Rechteinhabers weiter verwendet werden."^^madek:Text; madek_copyright:license Keyword:bc1934f6-b580-4c84-b680-c73b82c93caf; madek_core:authors ; madek_core:copyright_notice "Zürcher Hochschule der Künste"^^madek:Text; madek_core:description "Never before have we known so much about how human behaviour impacts the environment. The resulting global warming leads to resource shortages and loss of habitat. Yet we seem to do little. Despair, denial and disengagement significantly inhibit action taking at all levels. This thesis focuses on empowering positive engagement, starting with individuals and households in Switzerland. A strategic design approach, involving research into the psychological and cognitive mechanisms behind denial led to the HEAT Method (Hope, Evaluate, Act, Tell), which focuses on emotional and motivational aspects and designs a positive future vision, a set of concrete actions and a corresponding narrative. Sharing the narrative openly is used to start a grassroots movement. Approaches for scaling up to society at large are also investigated."^^madek:Text; madek_core:keywords Keyword:d85754af-f88d-444f-a40b-d0d6511c5006; madek_core:portrayed_object_date "2020"^^madek:TextDate; madek_core:subtitle "Getting to a Personal Action Plan and Starting a Grassroots Movement, through Design – The HEAT Method"^^madek:Text; madek_core:title "Global Warming – Action, not Apathy"^^madek:Text; madek_media_content:type Keyword:c87159bb-acbe-435a-bfe4-57cd4e82acfd; madek_zhdk_bereich:academic_year Keyword:a9b8268a-a023-43f8-bf85-2bc5fc86e60b; madek_zhdk_bereich:institutional_affiliation ; madek_zhdk_bereich:project_leader "Stefano Vannotti, Danica Zeier, Katharina Nill"^^madek:Text; madek_zhdk_bereich:project_type Keyword:1ecab382-d875-45c2-aeef-4420b702ec69 . madek:Role a rdf:Property . madek_copyright:copyright_usage a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Nutzungsbedingungen"@de, "Terms of use"@en . madek_copyright:license a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Rechtsschutz"@de, "Legal protection"@en . Keyword:8544945c-9db1-44b2-893e-745cdca0758e a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "HEAT Method" . Keyword:8965a8ea-be54-4687-96a9-a48364c0edb2 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Strategic Design" . madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de, "Author"@en . madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de, "Copyright Notice"@en . madek_core:description a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung"@de, "Description"@en . madek_core:keywords a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Schlagworte"@de, "Keywords"@en . madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Datierung"@de, "Date"@en . madek_core:subtitle a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Untertitel"@de, "Subtitle"@en . madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel"@de, "Title"@en . madek_media_content:type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Kunstgattung / Disziplin"@de, "Genre / discipline"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:academic_year a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Studienabschnitt"@de, "Study path"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:institutional_affiliation a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Bereich ZHdK"@de, "Institutional affiliation"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:project_leader a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Dozierende/Projektleitung"@de, "Lecturer / head of project"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:project_type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Typ"@de, "type"@en . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "David Christie" . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "MAS Strategic Design (ZWB_MASSDE.alle)" . Keyword:1ecab382-d875-45c2-aeef-4420b702ec69 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Abschlussarbeit" . Keyword:a9b8268a-a023-43f8-bf85-2bc5fc86e60b a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "MAS (Master of Advanced Studies)" . Keyword:bc1934f6-b580-4c84-b680-c73b82c93caf a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Alle Rechte vorbehalten"; owl:sameAs "http://www.ige.ch" . Keyword:c87159bb-acbe-435a-bfe4-57cd4e82acfd a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Design" . Keyword:d85754af-f88d-444f-a40b-d0d6511c5006 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Global Warming" . madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .