Instant City Reloaded is a project shared by the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and today’s incarnation of Cabaret Voltaire, the birthplace of Dada in Zurich, in collaboration with Central Saint Martins. It is adapted from a concept by Archigram, the experimental architecture group from London active in the 1960s and 1970s, sought to bring together in art disparate parts of society by means of provisional performance spaces. A large delegation from Zurich will infiltrate London with their inflatable “Dada tent” for three days. Reconvening on the fourth day at the Central Saint Martins at King’s Cross, they will conduct an orgiastic 12-hour event-marathon where artists, lecturers, poets and performers from all over the world will trade metaphorical as well as physical blows inside a very real boxing ring.The event-marathon forms tribute to the proto-Dadaist, pugilist and poet Arthur Cravan. He was the self-proclaimed nephew of Oscar Wilde and he believed passionately that art was not just a matter of the mind, but also of heart and guts.(Source:…)