@prefix Keyword: . @prefix madek: . @prefix madek_copyright: . @prefix madek_core: . @prefix madek_media_content: . @prefix madek_zhdk_bereich: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . a madek:MediaEntry; madek_copyright:copyright_usage "Das Werk darf nur mit Einwilligung des Autors/Rechteinhabers weiter verwendet werden."^^madek:Text; madek_copyright:license Keyword:bc1934f6-b580-4c84-b680-c73b82c93caf; madek_core:authors ; madek_core:copyright_notice "Zürcher Hochschule der Künste"^^madek:Text; madek_core:description "For businesses the capability to innovate is key to guarantee their survival. Only a culture of innovation drives repeated innovation and helps companies to achieve sustainable growth and value. This work takes a close look at innovation cultures and how their full potential can be unleashed by involving the employees. By combining theoretical and practical insights (interviews with key people known for successful innovation initiatives) and defining key dimensions and aspects of innovation cultures, the author not only gives further insights on the research of innovation cultures, but also develops and provides concrete tools for businesses to create tailor made, human-centered solutions for helping to build their desired innovation culture. While the Innovation Culture Matrix helps businesses to identify the main culture aspects and ambiguities of innovation cultures, the Ideation & Prototyping Workshop is the tool for corporate innovation and development leaders to involve their employees and create individual, company specific interventions."^^madek:Text; madek_core:keywords Keyword:de99e785-3e8d-4fc8-add8-7f49f5327040; madek_core:portrayed_object_date "2020"^^madek:TextDate; madek_core:subtitle "A Consulting Concept: Create Design Proposals that build a Culture of Innovation in your Company"^^madek:Text; madek_core:title "Design the Company Culture that drives Innovation"^^madek:Text; madek_media_content:type Keyword:c87159bb-acbe-435a-bfe4-57cd4e82acfd; madek_zhdk_bereich:academic_year Keyword:a9b8268a-a023-43f8-bf85-2bc5fc86e60b; madek_zhdk_bereich:institutional_affiliation ; madek_zhdk_bereich:project_leader "Stefano Vannotti, Danica Zeier, Katharina Nill"^^madek:Text; madek_zhdk_bereich:project_type Keyword:1ecab382-d875-45c2-aeef-4420b702ec69 . madek:Role a rdf:Property . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "MAS Strategic Design (ZWB_MASSDE.alle)" . madek_copyright:copyright_usage a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Nutzungsbedingungen"@de, "Terms of use"@en . madek_copyright:license a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Rechtsschutz"@de, "Legal protection"@en . Keyword:8965a8ea-be54-4687-96a9-a48364c0edb2 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Strategic Design" . Keyword:8ab5e171-7303-40b1-a7d1-501ae02ea667 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Co-Creation" . Keyword:a1f0afff-5be0-42b4-9bdb-eadf871ae35a a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Innovation Cultures" . madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de, "Author"@en . madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de, "Copyright Notice"@en . madek_core:description a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung"@de, "Description"@en . madek_core:keywords a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Schlagworte"@de, "Keywords"@en . madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Datierung"@de, "Date"@en . madek_core:subtitle a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Untertitel"@de, "Subtitle"@en . madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel"@de, "Title"@en . madek_media_content:type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Kunstgattung / Disziplin"@de, "Genre / discipline"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:academic_year a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Studienabschnitt"@de, "Study path"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:institutional_affiliation a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Bereich ZHdK"@de, "Institutional affiliation"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:project_leader a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Dozierende/Projektleitung"@de, "Lecturer / head of project"@en . madek_zhdk_bereich:project_type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Typ"@de, "type"@en . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Weiterbildung (ZWB.alle)" . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Beat Jost" . Keyword:1ecab382-d875-45c2-aeef-4420b702ec69 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Abschlussarbeit" . Keyword:a9b8268a-a023-43f8-bf85-2bc5fc86e60b a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "MAS (Master of Advanced Studies)" . Keyword:bc1934f6-b580-4c84-b680-c73b82c93caf a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Alle Rechte vorbehalten"; owl:sameAs "http://www.ige.ch" . Keyword:c87159bb-acbe-435a-bfe4-57cd4e82acfd a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Design" . Keyword:de99e785-3e8d-4fc8-add8-7f49f5327040 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Human Centered" . madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .