Arithmetic and harmonic division of the consonances (from fifth to double octave)


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54 Items

  • Page 1 of 5
      Picture: Tetraktys


          Picture: Figurate numbers

          Figurate numbers

              Picture: Hexachords


                  Picture: Syntonic hexachords

                  Syntonic hexachords

                      Picture: Solmization


                          Picture: Pythagorean comma

                          Pythagorean comma

                              Picture: Syntonic comma

                              Syntonic comma

                                  Picture: Pythagorean diatonic scale

                                  Pythagorean diatonic scale

                                      Picture: Syntonic diatonic scale

                                      Syntonic diatonic scale

                                          Picture: Chromatic scale

                                          Chromatic scale

                                              Picture: Syntonic chromatic scale

                                              Syntonic chromatic scale

                                                  Picture: Tetrachords
