Comparison of the Pythagorean with the syntonic comma


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      Picture: Albersheim (1939): Ton- und Klangeigenschaften

      Albersheim (1939): Ton- und Klangeigenschaften

          Picture: Zarlino (1562): circular diagrams

          Zarlino (1562): circular diagrams

              Picture: Robert Fludd: Utriusque cosmi historia (1617-1624)

              Robert Fludd: Utriusque cosmi historia (1617-1624)

                  Picture: Vincenzo Galilei (1581)

                  Vincenzo Galilei (1581)

                      Picture: Sound - Colour

                      Sound - Colour

                          Picture: Timbre space

                          Timbre space

                              Picture: Pulse patterns

                              Pulse patterns

                                  Picture: Vibration patterns

                                  Vibration patterns

                                      Picture: Synthesizer


                                          Picture: Johannes Cotto: De musica

                                          Johannes Cotto: De musica

                                              Picture: Guido of Arezzo: Micrologus

                                              Guido of Arezzo: Micrologus

                                                  Picture: D-Mu 8° Cod. Ms. 375 (Cim 13)

                                                  D-Mu 8° Cod. Ms. 375 (Cim 13)

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