YouCurate – Digitale Co-Kreation als transformative Vermittlungsmethode

Picture: YouCurate – Digitale Co-Kreation als transformative Vermittlungsmethode

YouCurate – Digitale Co-Kreation als transformative Vermittlungsmethode

Brooke Jackson

      • Page 1 of 1
          • «Museum Visit with a Robot», Videostill Mals Media, Eindhoven, 2015

            Picture: «Museum Visit with a Robot», Videostill Mals Media, Eindhoven, 2015

            Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

            Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

            • «Life on Planaet Orsimanirana», ein Projekt des Jerszy Seymour Design Workshops mit Macao und Assemble, Screenshot Onlineplattform, 2021

              Picture: «Life on Planaet Orsimanirana», ein Projekt des Jerszy Seymour Design Workshops mit Macao und Assemble, Screenshot Onlineplattform, 2021

              Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

              Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

              • «@home Ideas for do-it-yourself activities», Screenshot Website Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein, 2021

                Picture: «@home Ideas for do-it-yourself activities», Screenshot Website Kunstmuseum Lichtenstein, 2021

                Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                • Brooke Jackson, YouCurate, 2021

                  Picture: Brooke Jackson, YouCurate, 2021

                  Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                  Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

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