Diplomprojekt BA Musik und Bewegung - Keeping Up with Mrs. Sumo


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2012 Items

  • Page 1 of 168
      Picture: Poem No. 2

      Poem No. 2


          Picture: Plotting Knowledge Flows – Art Schools

          Plotting Knowledge Flows – Art Schools

          Engy Sarhan

              Picture: Plenum


                  Picture: Pleats of matter, and folds of the soul

                  Pleats of matter, and folds of the soul

                  Rebeka Mondovics

                      Picture: Please no dancing

                      Please no dancing

                      Moritz Willenegger

                          Picture: Playing the Village

                          Playing the Village

                          Lorenzo E. Metzler

                              Picture: Platonische Lichtkörper

                              Platonische Lichtkörper


                                  Picture: Plastic People

                                  Plastic People

                                  Delaor Ali

                                      Picture: Plant Desires

                                      Plant Desires

                                      Salome Stadler

                                          Picture: Pilotprojekt Pikettzimmer

                                          Pilotprojekt Pikettzimmer

                                          Tanja Büeler; Nora R.

                                              Picture: Pigmentteppich



                                                  Picture: Pieces of Life

                                                  Pieces of Life

                                                  Océane Lhomme