Digitally manufactured fashion


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2076 Items

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      Dario Rickenbach

          Picture:  INSERT. Artistic Practices as Cultural Inquiries

          INSERT. Artistic Practices as Cultural Inquiries

          Sigrid Adorf; Noëmie Stähli; Julia Wolf

              Picture:  In times like this; 100 improvements for the City of Zurich

              In times like this; 100 improvements for the City of Zurich

              Katherine Patiño Miranda

                  Picture:  Kunst kontextualisieren

                  Kunst kontextualisieren

                  Hannah Spillmann

                      Picture:  Millenium


                      Martin Svidron

                          Picture:  Saskia Sutter  / Esther Einhorn

                          Saskia Sutter / Esther Einhorn

                          Esther Einhorn; Saskia Sutter

                              Picture:  iTC


                              Claudia Polli

                                  Picture: "Am Rand"  – Musik aus der neuen Welt

                                  "Am Rand" – Musik aus der neuen Welt

                                  Jan Kohl; Luca Magni; Riccardo Venanzi

                                      Picture: "BLOQUE SURREAL" – The Surreal Blocks of Little Medellín

                                      "BLOQUE SURREAL" – The Surreal Blocks of Little Medellín

                                      Laurin Bigler

                                          Picture: "Giorni per Duti Tutti"

                                          "Giorni per Duti Tutti"

                                          Loris Brasser; jana Baumann; Tara Filter; Julia Germann; Bastian Gründler; Layla Aurelia Gysin; Laila Kaletta; Lyenne Perkmann; Tatjana Radicevic Planincic; Jason Rohr; Stefania Zocchi; Santo von Gunten

                                              "HUG 'EM!"

                                              Natascha Dübi

                                                  Picture: "Kennst du Hirsche?" - nach die "Bergbahn" von Ödön von Horváth

                                                  "Kennst du Hirsche?" - nach die "Bergbahn" von Ödön von Horváth

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