Thesen Curatorial Studies 2024

Picture: Thesen Curatorial Studies 2024

Thesen Curatorial Studies 2024

      • Page 1 of 1
          Picture: Embodiments of Care in Contemporary Curatorial Practices

          Embodiments of Care in Contemporary Curatorial Practices

          Leonie Alessa Bremser

              Picture: Storytelling in der Ausstellung

              Storytelling in der Ausstellung

              Mareen Wrobel

                  Picture: Wide-Angle Framework

                  Wide-Angle Framework

                  Vivianne Tat

                      Picture: Die Macht der Gemeinschaft

                      Die Macht der Gemeinschaft

                      Ugo Pecoraio

                          Picture: Anito


                          Larissa Platz

                              Picture: Performatives Kuratieren

                              Performatives Kuratieren

                              Linda Walter

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