Contrast Comparison of Farsi and Latin type characters (By focusing on positive and negative spaces)


Sibling sets (1979)Show all relations

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1979 Items

  • Page 1 of 165
      Picture: A Monster called Love

      A Monster called Love

      Sophia Lara Nimue Schweizer

          Picture: A Track Down South. Zwischen Klang und Erinnerung

          A Track Down South. Zwischen Klang und Erinnerung

          Jonas Frehner

              Picture: A part (of you)

              A part (of you)

              Theresa Ihrler

                  Picture: A very crowded room

                  A very crowded room

                      Picture: ABSEIZ (für ZHdK Webseite)

                      ABSEIZ (für ZHdK Webseite)

                      Michael Kyburz

                          Picture: ACT NOW - ACT WOW! ACT HOW? Repräsentation des*der Anderen in Ausstellungen und auf Festivals

                          ACT NOW - ACT WOW! ACT HOW? Repräsentation des*der Anderen in Ausstellungen und auf Festivals

                          Lena Katharina Seefried

                              Picture: ACT Performance Festival

                              ACT Performance Festival

                              Nicola Genovese

                                  Picture: AEON


                                  Judith Böhm

                                      Picture: ALL TABS

                                      ALL TABS

                                      Ivalina Yapova

                                          Picture: AM GAA AA

                                          AM GAA AA

                                          Dominique Joller; Leandra Agazzi; Bernhard Betschart; Elvira Bättig; Noah Engweiler; Serhat Ertuna; Simone Felber; June Fischer; Martin Jung; Martina Helena Kaufmann; Maya Mattiolo; Marianne Mueller; Julia Nusser; Andrea Raemy; Cornel Schelbert; Kathrin Schmidig; Mirielle Schmidig; Daniel Schmidig; Cécile Schmidig; Jonathan Steiger; Rafael Summerauer; Hayahisa Tomiyasu; Leonie Florence Wohlgemuth; Angelina Yerly

                                              Picture: AMBICA


                                              Jonas Conrad; Linda Schnorf

                                                  Picture: AMOEBA


                                                  Daniel Eaton; Ramón Oliveras; Noam Szyfer