Alireza Bayram


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11 Items

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      Picture: PRETTY GIRLS


          Picture: Passport


              Picture: Vorsprechen 2016

              Vorsprechen 2016

                  Picture: Wendy Pillonel, Master Film

                  Wendy Pillonel, Master Film

                  Regula Bearth

                      Picture: Noemi Egloff, Bachelor of Arts in Theater, Vertiefung Dramaturgie

                      Noemi Egloff, Bachelor of Arts in Theater, Vertiefung Dramaturgie

                      Regula Bearth

                          Picture: Die lächerliche Finsternis

                          Die lächerliche Finsternis

                              Picture: Lalo Celebration

                              Lalo Celebration

                                  Picture: ANTIGONE


                                      Picture: 3 catastrophes I happily survived

                                      3 catastrophes I happily survived

                                      Rodrigo Cortes Guadarrama

                                          Picture: 2016 Theater in allen Räumen

                                          2016 Theater in allen Räumen

                                              Picture: Projektunterricht -Sehnsucht nach dem Meer

                                              Projektunterricht -Sehnsucht nach dem Meer

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