Picture: DMU


      • Page 1 of 7
          Picture: Improvisation_DMU


              Picture: Zurich Saxfest 2024

              Zurich Saxfest 2024

                  Picture: Oper: Dido and Aeneas

                  Oper: Dido and Aeneas

                      Picture: Musikphysiologie


                          Picture: Diplomprojekt Arianna Congedi

                          Diplomprojekt Arianna Congedi

                              Picture: EMP Diplomprojekt 2023

                              EMP Diplomprojekt 2023

                                  Picture: 2022_Finals_MAPop


                                      Picture: Finals MA Jazz 2022

                                      Finals MA Jazz 2022

                                          Picture: Insights - Website DMU

                                          Insights - Website DMU

                                              Picture: Music Talk: About Conductors

                                              Music Talk: About Conductors

                                              Daniela Huser

                                                  Picture: Diplomprojekt BA Musik und Bewegung - ge_fallen

                                                  Diplomprojekt BA Musik und Bewegung - ge_fallen

                                                  Alyssa Mirjam Muff

                                                      Picture: Lange Nacht der Musik 2023

                                                      Lange Nacht der Musik 2023

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