Modulus – Bilder von Modellen

Picture: Modulus – Bilder von Modellen

Modulus – Bilder von Modellen

Florian Dombois; Kaspar König; Mirjam Steiner; Reinhard Wendler

      • Page 1 of 8
          Picture: ibhs-roof-wind-test-2010


          Insurance Institute for Business & Home & Safety

              Picture: Zeiss-Planetarium im Modellpark Berlin-Brandenburg

              Zeiss-Planetarium im Modellpark Berlin-Brandenburg

              Sebastian Niedlich

                  Picture: Yves Klein, Making “Fire Paintings” at the Centre d’Essais du Gaz de France, Paris

                  Yves Klein, Making “Fire Paintings” at the Centre d’Essais du Gaz de France, Paris


                      Picture: Würfelwurf


                      Yutaka Sone

                          Picture: Windkanalmodell der Stadt Hamburg

                          Windkanalmodell der Stadt Hamburg

                          Universität Hamburg KlimaCampus

                              Picture: Windkanal des Grande Voile

                              Windkanal des Grande Voile

                              Alexander Calder

                                  Picture: Watson, Crick und das DNA-Modell von 1953

                                  Watson, Crick und das DNA-Modell von 1953


                                      Picture: Unbekannt


                                      Damiàn Ortega

                                          Picture: The Canadian Alpine Ski Team in the GM Wind Tunnel

                                          The Canadian Alpine Ski Team in the GM Wind Tunnel

                                          GM Canada

                                              Picture: Suiseki-Stein



                                                  Picture: Sprung in die Leere

                                                  Sprung in die Leere

                                                  Yves Klein

                                                      Picture: Soviet Workers with a model of planned housing

                                                      Soviet Workers with a model of planned housing


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