Chromatic scale

Picture: Chromatic scale

Chromatic scale

      • Page 1 of 2
          • Dimostratione de' tredici Tuoni, secondo la mente d'Aristosseno

            Picture: Dimostratione de' tredici Tuoni, secondo la mente d'Aristosseno

            Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

            Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

            • Dimostratione degli otto Tuoni, secondo la mente di Boethio

              Picture: Dimostratione degli otto Tuoni, secondo la mente di Boethio

              Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

              Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

              • 12-tet and Syntonic Chromatic Scale

                Picture: 12-tet and Syntonic Chromatic Scale

                Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                • Syntonic Chromatic Scale Measured by 12tet Semitones

                  Picture: Syntonic Chromatic Scale Measured by 12tet Semitones

                  Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                  Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                  • Geometric and Syntonic Division of the Octave

                    Picture: Geometric and Syntonic Division of the Octave

                    Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                    Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                    • Lute Tuning

                      Picture: Lute Tuning

                      Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                      Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                      • Non-Standard Division of the Octave

                        Picture: Non-Standard Division of the Octave

                        Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                        Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                        • Table pour les facteurs d'instrumens

                          Picture: Table pour les facteurs d'instrumens

                          Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                          Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                          • Syntonic Diatonic and Chromatic Scale

                            Picture: Syntonic Diatonic and Chromatic Scale

                            Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                            Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                            • Dodeci Semituoni di proportione Sesquidecimasettima non adempiano perfettamente la Diapason

                              Picture: Dodeci Semituoni di proportione Sesquidecimasettima non adempiano perfettamente la Diapason

                              Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                              Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                              • Transposition wheel for the lute

                                Picture: Transposition wheel for the lute

                                Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                                Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

                                • Consonantiae Diapason in Duodecim Partes Aequalis Divisio

                                  Picture: Consonantiae Diapason in Duodecim Partes Aequalis Divisio

                                  Name that can easily go onto 2 lines

                                  Author that can easily go onto 2 lines as well

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