
Picture: Microintervals


      • Page 1 of 2
          Picture: Keyboard: Divided Keys

          Keyboard: Divided Keys

          Gioseffo Zarlino

              Picture: Mercator: 53-tet

              Mercator: 53-tet

              William Holder

                  Picture: Pythagorean Semitone and Pythagorean Commas (detail)

                  Pythagorean Semitone and Pythagorean Commas (detail)

                  Michael Stifel

                      Picture: Size of Pythagorean Comma

                      Size of Pythagorean Comma

                      Walter Odington

                          Picture: Small syntonic intervals and their differences

                          Small syntonic intervals and their differences

                          Lodovico Fogliano

                              Picture: Syntonic tone system with 53 pitch classes

                              Syntonic tone system with 53 pitch classes

                              Arthur von Oettingen

                                  Picture: Totius harmoniae vis hoc diagrammate fulget

                                  Totius harmoniae vis hoc diagrammate fulget

                                  Francisco Salinas

                                      Picture: Two semitones

                                      Two semitones

                                      Johannes Cochlaeus