Pythagorean comma

Picture: Pythagorean comma

Pythagorean comma

      • Page 1 of 2
          Picture: Comparison of the Pythagorean with the syntonic comma

          Comparison of the Pythagorean with the syntonic comma

          Vincenzo Galilei

              Picture: Calculation of the Pythagorean Comma

              Calculation of the Pythagorean Comma

              Vincenzo Galilei

                  Picture: Comparison of the Pythagorean comma with the Pythagorean semitone

                  Comparison of the Pythagorean comma with the Pythagorean semitone

                  Jacobus Faber Stapulensis

                      Picture: Tritonus


                      Guillermus de Podio

                          Picture: Number triangle (8 : 9)

                          Number triangle (8 : 9)

                          Walter Odington

                              Picture: Comparison of five tones with two fourths

                              Comparison of five tones with two fourths

                              Johannes De Muris

                                  Picture: Two semitones

                                  Two semitones

                                  Johannes Cochlaeus

                                      Picture: Division of the tone into small intervals

                                      Division of the tone into small intervals

                                      Johannes De Muris

                                          Picture: Comparison of six tones with the octave

                                          Comparison of six tones with the octave

                                          Franchino Gaffurio

                                              Picture: Pythagorean Semitone and Pythagorean Commas (detail)

                                              Pythagorean Semitone and Pythagorean Commas (detail)

                                              Michael Stifel

                                                  Picture: Division of the Tone (8 : 9)

                                                  Division of the Tone (8 : 9)

                                                  Henricus Loriti Glareanus

                                                      Picture: Size of Pythagorean Comma

                                                      Size of Pythagorean Comma

                                                      Walter Odington

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