Vincenzo Galilei (1581)

Picture: Vincenzo Galilei (1581)

Vincenzo Galilei (1581)

      • Page 1 of 1
          Picture: Calculation of the Pythagorean Comma

          Calculation of the Pythagorean Comma

          Vincenzo Galilei

              Picture: Comparison of the Pythagorean with the syntonic comma

              Comparison of the Pythagorean with the syntonic comma

              Vincenzo Galilei

                  Picture: Dimostratione de' tredici Tuoni, secondo la mente d'Aristosseno

                  Dimostratione de' tredici Tuoni, secondo la mente d'Aristosseno

                  Vincenzo Galilei

                      Picture: Dimostratione degli otto Tuoni, secondo la mente di Boethio

                      Dimostratione degli otto Tuoni, secondo la mente di Boethio

                      Vincenzo Galilei

                          Picture: Major triad with octave replicas

                          Major triad with octave replicas

                          Vincenzo Galilei

                              Picture: Pythagorean and syntonic comma

                              Pythagorean and syntonic comma

                              Vincenzo Galilei

                                  Picture: Superparticular ratios and their squares

                                  Superparticular ratios and their squares

                                  Vincenzo Galilei

                                      Picture: The eight "church modes"

                                      The eight "church modes"

                                      Vincenzo Galilei

                                          Picture: Twelve modes according to Glareanus

                                          Twelve modes according to Glareanus

                                          Vincenzo Galilei

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