The Corridor


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  • Picture: 2016 Departement Musik

    2016 Departement Musik

      Current set


      • The Corridor

          Sibling sets(7)Show all →

          This set is related to the same sets as the selected set.

          • Picture: Lange Nacht der Musik 2016

            Lange Nacht der Musik 2016

            Betty Fleck

              • Picture: Meret Weilenmann, BA Musik & Bewegung

                Meret Weilenmann, BA Musik & Bewegung

                Regula Bearth

                  • Picture: Handlabor ZHdK

                    Handlabor ZHdK

                      • Picture: Valentine Michaud, Master Music Performance

                        Valentine Michaud, Master Music Performance

                        Regula Bearth

                          • Picture: Alvin Lucier - 85th Birthday Festival, 10. - 14. Oktober 2016

                            Alvin Lucier - 85th Birthday Festival, 10. - 14. Oktober 2016

                            Sol Le Witt; Alvin Lucier

                              • Picture: Musikimprovisation BA Vertiefung Klassik

                                Musikimprovisation BA Vertiefung Klassik

                                  • Picture: Jan Willem de With, Komposition für Film, Theater und Medien

                                    Jan Willem de With, Komposition für Film, Theater und Medien

                                    Regula Bearth

                                      Child sets(0)

                                      These sets are now related to the selected set.