The basis of this performance is an experimental poem in which I challenged the definitions of the
documentary and the poetic. I combined two very different types of documents – original doctors’ notes of a
relative of mine and her personal letters to me – and added my own column in the poem. I trans-formed the
docupoem into a performance-text with the intention to move the language – to develop new patterns and
therefore more possibilities to explore movement, text and their relation relying language and expression. In
the performance, I embodied the text and the movement within it, including the variety of perspectives
involved. The setting of the performance put the following elements into play: my physical body including the
voice, projected live-drawings (with Eren Karakuş as stage artist) and sounds of the MRI scanner (from the
album MRI by Simon Grab and Patricia Bosshard, 2010). The combined aimed to blurr the frames of
conventional categorizations such as objective/subjective, author/reader, drawing/signs.