Disziplin Film


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  • Picture:  Disziplin Film

    Disziplin Film

      Sibling sets(9)Show all →

      This set is related to the same sets as the selected set.

      • Picture: ZHdK-Abschlussarbeiten – Direkteinstieg

        ZHdK-Abschlussarbeiten – Direkteinstieg

          • Picture: Archiv ZHdK - Langzeitarchiv

            Archiv ZHdK - Langzeitarchiv

              • Picture: zhdk records

                zhdk records

                  • Picture: Hochschulkommunikation  der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

                    Hochschulkommunikation der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

                      • Picture: ZHdK-AVINA Fonds für Projekte von Studierenden

                        ZHdK-AVINA Fonds für Projekte von Studierenden

                        Nadja Kirchhofer

                          • Picture: Bachelor & Master Theater

                            Bachelor & Master Theater

                              • Picture: Festivalarchive VIPER und experiMENTAL

                                Festivalarchive VIPER und experiMENTAL

                                  • Picture: The Bridge Project

                                    The Bridge Project

                                      • Picture: Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization

                                        Fachrichtung Knowledge Visualization

                                          Child sets(48)Show all →

                                          These sets are now related to the selected set.

                                          • 2024 Master of Arts in Film

                                              • 2024 Bachelor of Arts in Film

                                                  • Picture: 2014 Master of Arts in Film

                                                    2014 Master of Arts in Film

                                                      • 2011 Master of Arts in Film

                                                          • 2011 Bachelor of Arts in FIlm

                                                              • 2010 Master of Arts in Film

                                                                  • 2010 Bachelor of Arts in Film

                                                                      • 2009 Master of Arts in Film

                                                                          • 2009 Bachelor of Arts in Film

                                                                              • Picture: 2008 Master of Arts in Film

                                                                                2008 Master of Arts in Film

                                                                                  • 2008 Bachelor of Arts in Film

                                                                                      • 2008 Diplomfilme