Bilder von Modellen

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      Picture: 5450 Kubikmeter Luft

      5450 Kubikmeter Luft

      Christo; Jeanne-Claude

          Picture: A Chicago heat wave has melted the Bean

          A Chicago heat wave has melted the Bean

          Anish Kapoor; Google Earth

              Picture: A scale model of the Douglas SB2D Destroyer at the wind tunnel of the Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California (USA), on 1 April 1942

              A scale model of the Douglas SB2D Destroyer at the wind tunnel of the Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California (USA), on 1 April 1942


                  Picture: AEDC 16-foot wind tunnel

                  AEDC 16-foot wind tunnel


                      Picture: An experimental scale model of the B-25 plane is prepared for wind tunnel tests in the plant of North American Aviation

                      An experimental scale model of the B-25 plane is prepared for wind tunnel tests in the plant of North American Aviation

                      Alfred T. Palmer

                          Picture: Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel

                          Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel


                              Picture: Atomium


                              André Waterkeyn

                                  Picture: Avon Lake Power Plant Wind Tunnel Test

                                  Avon Lake Power Plant Wind Tunnel Test


                                      Picture: Cell Membrane

                                      Cell Membrane

                                      Enrico Fermi High School

                                          Picture: Circular representation of the phylogenetic tree

                                          Circular representation of the phylogenetic tree


                                              Picture: Construction


                                              Lois Renner

                                                  Picture: Construction of Acoustical Housing Addition to 8x6 Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel

                                                  Construction of Acoustical Housing Addition to 8x6 Foot Supersonic Wind Tunnel


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