Das Personen-Vokabular umfasst Metadaten zu Personen, die zum dargestellten Werk beigetragen haben, bei der Medienerstellung eine Rolle gespielt haben oder auf die sich die Medien inhaltlich beziehen.
ID | media_object:creator |
type | People (Person, PeopleGroup) |
scope | Entries |
mappings | |
ID | media_object:creator_address |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorAddress
ID | media_object:creator_city |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | |
ID | media_object:creator_state |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorRegion
ID | media_object:creator_postal_code |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorPostalCode
ID | media_object:creator_country |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorCountry
ID | media_object:creator_work_telephone |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorWorkTelephone
ID | media_object:creator_work_email |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorWorkEmail
ID | media_object:creator_work_url |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-iptcCore:CreatorWorkURL
ID | media_object:creator_position |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | - XMP-photoshop:AuthorsPosition
ID | media_object:creative_participants_roles |
type | Roles |
description | Contributors to the work and their specific roles (e.g. script, direction, composition). |
scope | Entries, Sets |
ID | media_object:other_creative_participants |
type | Text |
description | Additional contributors. |
scope | Entries, Sets |
mappings | - XMP-madek:OtherCreativeParticipants
ID | media_object:portrayed_person |
type | Text |
scope | Entries, Sets |
mappings | - XMP-madek:PortrayedPerson
ID | media_object:participating_institution |
type | Text |
scope | Entries, Sets |
mappings | - XMP-madek:ParticipatingInstitution
ID | media_object:patron |
type | Text |
scope | Entries |
mappings | |