Bilder von Modellen

All items with metadata related to the vocabulary"Bilder von Modellen". You can see only items you have permissions for.

75 Items

  • Page 1 of 7
      Picture: Leaves of Grass von Geoffrey Farmer auf der d13

      Leaves of Grass von Geoffrey Farmer auf der d13

      Anders Sune Berg

          Picture: Frederick Kiesler exploring endless space

          Frederick Kiesler exploring endless space


              Picture: Hurricane Ike Simulation

              Hurricane Ike Simulation

              Greg Foss; PSC Scientific Visualization

                  Picture: Le Globe Est Bleu

                  Le Globe Est Bleu

                  Yves Klein

                      Picture: Liquid Flower

                      Liquid Flower

                      Jack Long

                          Picture: Soviet Workers

                          Soviet Workers


                              Picture: RNA im StarCAVE

                              RNA im StarCAVE

                              California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) at the University of California

                                  Picture: Atomium


                                  André Waterkeyn

                                      Picture: In the House of My Father

                                      In the House of My Father

                                      Donald Rodney

                                          Picture: JMZ, DMZ

                                          JMZ, DMZ

                                          Peter Feigenbaum

                                              Picture: A scale model of the Douglas SB2D Destroyer at the wind tunnel of the Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California (USA), on 1 April 1942

                                              A scale model of the Douglas SB2D Destroyer at the wind tunnel of the Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, California (USA), on 1 April 1942


                                                  Picture: Construction


                                                  Lois Renner