Release Info

Build: Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024 00:27

Madek 4.5.1


  • fix: missing user_id in audits


  • fix: Honor deleted_at for media_files and previews


  • chore: move audit middleware to datalayer
  • chore: upcase method in audited_requests table
  • chore: refactor session handling


  • fix: missing user_id in audits

Vorherige Versionen

Madek 4.5.0


  • feat: delegation supervisors
  • feat: notifications for delegations
  • feat: soft delete media resources
  • fix: crash when updating people meta key (fixes #611)
  • fix: sql-exception causes session-delete (back-button)
  • fix: default active until for edit user form


  • feat: Hide media_entries and collections whith deleted_at


  • chore: revert pagination to one-based, add/fix tests


  • feat: periodic emails cron jobs
  • feat: soft delete media resources cron job
  • fix: robots.txt move webapp deploy to webapp
  • chore: Do not stop other services starting with madek…
  • chore: Move api-v2 deploy; fix rails write ops; clean up


  • feat: soft delete media resources
  • feat: add notifications frontend
  • feat: notifications for delegations
  • feat: add emailLocale to settings UI
  • feat: omit system groups in entrusted resources
  • feat: backend: customize entrusted via group arel conditions
  • fix: batch action permissions via delegation (fixes #571)
  • fix: export permission via delegation responsibility (fixes #565)
  • fix: notifications for batch edit
  • fix: explore keywords + add spec
  • chore: Set proxy pass reverse (and rename role)
  • chore: Move service install role from deploy to this submodule
  • chore: tune random images on start page
  • cider: merged to master priority

Madek 4.4.4


  • chore: ruby 3.2.3
  • chore: refactor notification templates and stuff


  • fix: no-js example search links (nofollow; check applicable type)
  • fix: prevent resource fetch loop on failure
  • chore: refactor transfer responsibility notification stuff
  • chore: refactor notification templates and stuff

Madek 4.4.3


  • chore: more restrictive robots.txt
  • fix: Remove superfluous whitespace in apache access log


  • chore: temporary debug statement for prod
  • chore: refactor and unspam session cookie validation

Madek 4.4.2


  • chore: correct release version

Madek 4.4.1


  • chore: change beta testing group type


  • fix: Fix, adjust, and clean up apache2 rev-proxy configuration


  • feat: produce periodic emails (beta)

Madek 4.4.0


  • feat: notification templates (beta)
  • feat: smtp settings (beta)


  • chore: Set madek_is_behind_gateway for all ZHdK instances
  • Switch from git-crypt to transcrypt
  • fix: Fix pdf preview generation (on Debian 12 etc)


  • feat: add typeahead in person filter
  • fix: restrict autocomplete endpoints to logged-in users

Madek 4.2.0


  • feat: audits middleware
  • feat: audits and refactoring auth_systems
  • feat: add edit meta data power users group id setting
  • feat: allow modifying certain attributes of a core meta key
  • fix: password reset
  • fix: remove recursion of previous keyword ids
  • fix: ZHdK auth_system migration
  • fix: button styling
  • fix: session cookie name; fix session_lifetime and use hours
  • chore: add listen gem (fixes build on OS X Ventura)


  • feat: finalize auth ui
  • feat: audits and refactoring auth_systems
  • fix: add return_to key to params for legacy authentication


  • fix: apache config syntax error
  • chore: set http-uid request header for audits
  • chore: ressurect data reset for ZHdK test and staging


  • feat: integrate new auth app
  • feat: audits middleware
  • feat: notify when session expiring soon
  • feat: add edit meta data power users group id setting
  • feat: show persons inline when no roles present
  • feat: add media shortcut urls
  • feat: add collection default resource type
  • fix: hide responsible person on presenter level
  • fix: indicate de-facto-failed audio/video jobs
  • fix: correct dimensions in image oembed

Madek 4.1.0


  • fix: session cookie name; fix session_lifetime and use hours


  • fix: session cookie name; fix session_lifetime and use hours


  • fix: session cookie name; fix session_lifetime and use hours


  • update er-diagram pdf and svg
  • move oembed spec from integration tests to webapp


  • feat: add collection default resource type
  • fix: session cookie name; fix session_lifetime and use hours
  • fix: correct dimensions in image oembed

Madek 4.0.0


  • feat: extensible roles
  • feat: section labels
  • fix: system info display
  • chore: rework sessions
  • chore: rework passwords
  • chore: upgrade to PostgreSQL 15


  • fix: fix missing distinct
  • chore: Upgrade to PostgreSQL 15
  • chore: Password authentication validates is_deactivated
  • chore: remove unnecessary order by penalties
  • chore: add indexes
  • chore: move password hashes to auth_systems_users


  • chore: rework sessions
  • chore: rework passwords


  • added git submodule


  • fix: db_dump script
  • fix: Extend reverse-proxy for custom config; Fix Ansible config: tags etc
  • chore: add auth service
  • chore: Upgrage to PostgreSQL 15


  • feat: section labels


  • feat: section labels
  • feat: extensible roles
  • feat: grouped roles
  • feat: show highlighted resources also in other context tabs
  • fix: remove unnecessary order by penalties
  • chore: Rework sessions
  • chore: Rework passwords
  • chore: fix React warnings

Madek 3.35.1


  • fix: system info display
  • fix: delete old unparsable cookies
  • fix: permitted classes in application config


  • fix: delete old unparsable cookies

Madek 3.35.0


  • fix: bugs irt delegations
  • chore: ruby 3.1.3
  • chore: rails 6.1


  • fix: password entropy check
  • chore: Remove filter_sets


  • chore: puma pidfile for rails services


  • chore: Update entities_and_relations


  • fix: improve embedded image
  • fix: persist image dimensions
  • chore: ruby 3.1.3
  • chore: rails 6.1

Madek 3.34.0


  • feat: add an optional link to documentation in tooltips
  • fix: parse external uris helper


  • chore: use default tmp dir for test and staging


  • feat: add an optional link to documentation in tooltips
  • fix: layout bug in bulk edit with Firefox
  • fix: export link on picture for english locale
  • fix: optimize performance and loading for child media resources

Madek 3.33.1


  • fix: only offer manual sorting options inside Sets
  • fix: batch delegation permissions (create/update)

Madek 3.33.0


  • feat: create a set from parent set page (#363)
  • feat: redirect after login to the previous page (#353)
  • feat: default tab for collections (#369)
  • feat: delegations for single user permissions (#360)
  • feat: add ability to delete MetaDatum::MediaEntry meta data (#365)
  • fix: do not lose lang param after redirect to canonical URL (#355)
  • fix: display workflow’s media entries only in incomplete section in dashboard (#344)
  • fix: typo in translations
  • zhdk: support return_to param in AGW auth system (#353)


  • fix: Filter only supported meta_datum types (#364)

Madek v3.32.0-dev



  • feat: display context description on edit page
  • feat: making a copy of media entry
  • feat: MediaEntry “fullscreen” view based on “embedded”
  • feat: show note about more filter options in ‘all resources’ view
  • fix: iframe attributes for confidential links embed
  • fix: workflow validation, public viewing
  • fix: translations


  • feat: add meta data filtering by meta key
  • feat: remember previous id before merge
  • fix: do not delete related MetaData when deleting a MetaKey


  • upgrade ansible and python venv
  • inventories: zhdk: configure logo for fullscreen player view

Madek v3.31.4-dev "Dürrenmatt"

Madek 3.31.3 "Dürrenmatt"


  • support Ubuntu 20.04, deprecate 16.04

Madek 3.31.2 "Dürrenmatt"


  • feat: accept delegation in workflow’s configuration
  • feat: add static pages
  • feat: style: better formatting markdown content (for about page)
  • fix: view: PersonShow: only display combined name
  • fix: oembed: iframe attributes
  • fix: take into consideration mandatory fields in case of collections


  • feat: add static pages section to Settings page


  • feat: identify preview used in ui

Madek 3.31.1 "Dürrenmatt"


  • feat: restrict visibility of responsibility filters for not signed-in users
  • feat: add responsible delegation filter
  • feat: add ‘visible to API clients’ filter
  • fix: display missing delegations, media entries and sets for group members


  • fix: display missing delegations, media entries and sets for group members

Madek 3.31.0 "Dürrenmatt"


  • feat: add delegations
  • feat: delegation as workflow’s owner
  • feat: show sibling media entries from the same set(s)
  • feat: make support email address configurable
  • fix: dont show duplicate previews
  • fix: resurrect “description” icon
  • fix: workflow defaults definition MetaKey ref

Madek 3.30.2 "Burkhard"


  • fix: manual sorting for media resources
  • fix: dont show duplicate previews

Madek 3.30.0 "Burkhard"


  • feat: Workflows (beta version)
  • feat: RDF export (beta version), in JSON-LD, XML and turtle formats
  • feat: MetaDatum::MediaEntry
  • feat: edit own Person/profile (of corresponding User)
  • feat: export: show media file extension
  • fix: show edit session timestamp in local time
  • zhdk: fix: do not remove user from “beta” groups when logging in


  • Set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header


  • add group-based feature toggle for workflows feature
  • add setting “provenance_notice”
  • fix: update Keyword description

Madek 3.29.3 "De Saint Phalle"


  • config: change autoload_paths to eager_load_paths (#3)


  • support Debian 10 (buster)
  • rename role “monitoring” to “watchdog”, remove munin


  • update exiftool to version 11.84.0

Madek 3.29.2 "De Saint Phalle"

  • fix bug in batch processing, handling of mixed values now works for all types of MetaData

Madek 3.29.1 "De Saint Phalle"

  • upgrade Ruby to version 2.6.6

Madek 3.29.0 "De Saint Phalle"

  • Add MetaDatum::JSON


  • Add content_type and media_type to media_file resource
  • Enable CORS by default

Madek 3.28.4 "Bill"

No functional changes.


  • Fix multiple and/or broken query-params through templating

Madek 3.28.3 "Bill"

No functional changes.


  • optimize server configuration, improve stability


  • auth: Set AGW url_home to the configured base_url

Madek 3.28.2 "Bill"

API fix, no further changes.


  • Fix collection pagination (JSON-ROA next link)

Madek 3.28.1 "Bill"


  • oEmbed: support ConfidentialLinks
  • display error messages when trying to embed any content


  • Extend ordering for media entries in a set


  • Add fields for custom ordering entries (and collections) in collections

Madek 3.28.0 "Bill"

webapp, admin:

  • upgrade ruby to v2.6.3 and rails to v5.2.3
    (no functional changes)

Madek 3.27.2 "Stölzl"


  • fix: add search results to clipboard (fixed issue)
  • fix: batch permission resource count display (fixed issue)

Madek 3.27.1 "Stölzl"


  • feat: localized app settings
  • fix: (lang) param handling in controllers
  • fix: embedded styles/layout for images
  • fix: handle lang param for AGW login
  • fix: keep language for system login
  • fix: presenters: don’t crash on invalid external links
  • fix: use lang param in session to keep lang on logout
  • i18n: rename “Roles” to “Functions”
  • ui: neutral colors for (embed) player
  • ui: support custom CSS styling of embed player per external domain
  • ui: support italics in markdown content
  • ui: translate flash messages
  • ui: translate pagination


  • feat: localized app settings
  • ui: add help text for editing Markdown fields
  • fix: only allow saving of valid URIs for external_uris fields
  • fix: labels in page headers now readable again


  • feat: localized app settings

Madek 3.27.0 "Stölzl"


  • feat: about page
  • feat: multiple external URIs for keywords and people
  • feat: display Authority Control for external URIs of people. Supports: GND, LCCN, IMDb, ORCID, ResearcherID, VIAF, Wikidata; (for more details, see list in source code)
  • feat: handle lang parameter for Shibboleth sign in
  • feat: use localized labels & descriptions for vocabularies & contexts
  • feat: upload: use mime type as detected by exiftool. Many file formats, like MKV, are now handled reliably.
  • fix: ui: API Tokens expired/revoked list
  • fix: ui: InputTextDate defaults to timestamp


  • feat: about page
  • feat: add localized fields to vocabularies & contexts
  • feat: multiple external uris for keywords and people
  • fix: extended usage count for people


  • feat: add multilingual labels & descriptions to vocabulary
  • support old external_uri field for keywords and people for backwards compat
  • fix: get vocabulary (by id) now return correct result
  • disallow unsafe methods for session authentication (no functional change)


  • apache: add ‘Referrer-Policy’ header
  • inventory: turn off setup_storage_directories where useless

Madek 3.26.0 "Itten"


  • fix: auth: export original_file_url in admin mode
  • feature: Confidential Links

Madek 3.25.0 "Moholy-Nagy"


  • feat: Roles Metadata (Beta)
  • feat: add sorting by title (descending) for Sets
  • fix: string search more resilient
  • fix: add group-based feature toggle for quick edit
  • fix: correct image size for explore/catalog thumbs


  • assistant: add csv import for roles


  • fix for new certbot-auto
  • add option to block user-agents by name

Madek 3.24.3 "Rist"


  • fix: Uploader: re-enable upload progress display, text fixes
  • fix: handle lang parameter in browse urls
  • fix: fix box contents on People/Keyword pages


  • keywords: add ‘not used’ filter & sorting by creation date
  • sql assistant: find similar keywords for
  • fix merging people

Madek 3.24.2 "Rist"


  • optimise deploy process

Madek 3.24.1 "Rist"


  • fix: don’t embed player if media conversion not finished
  • fix: support (language) params in download urls
  • fix: support (language) params in embed urls


  • disallow search engines on non-prod hosts

Madek 3.24.0 "Rist"


  • refactor media resources box
  • optimize search engine to make title parts searchable
  • inline batch edit in media resources box
  • use ajax posts for batch actions


  • configurable xmx setting for webapp; setting for HSLU prod

Madek 3.23.0 "Zurbrügg"


  • feat: responsive embeds (audio/video)
  • feat: add language switcher to the footer


  • remove admin_comment property from results
  • add support for multilingual meta key labels
  • serve non-public vocabularies, meta keys and meta data by permissions

Madek 3.22.0 "Taeuber-Arp"


  • feat: people#show: list URI and description
  • feat: prefer exact matches when searching users/people
  • feat: show email in User-Autocomplete
  • fix: autocompletes: correctly escape result contents
  • fix: disable set cover zooming
  • fix: show Users as deactivated in Permission forms
  • fix: use configured external URL for sharing links
  • fix: view: PersonShow: limit line lengths
  • fix: MetaKey translations fallbacks
  • translations: sort and lint
  • translations: update from corrections
  • datalayer: translate madek core vocab


  • remove ‘creator’ from Entry, Set, Keyword


  • feat: filter deactivated users, identify them with proper label
  • feat: People edit: description and URI
  • feat: batch translation: fold section, sort by position
  • fix: Keyword edit: description and URI
  • fix: sql-assistant: correct string handling
  • migration: helpers for assistant
  • sql-assistant: find ambigously named people

Madek 3.21.0 "Aloïse"


  • feat: multilingual labels, descriptions & hints of MetaKey/ContextKey
  • fix: revert i18n for „batch add to set“ and „batch remove from set“
  • fix: browse-similar view when ignored_keyword_keys_for_browsing setting is missing
  • chore: move script/migrate-country-codes to deploy


  • feat: multilingual labels, descriptions & hints of MetaKey/ContextKey
  • feat: assistant: batch translation of {Meta,Context}Keys
  • remove teaser set from settings


  • combined scripts for importing ISO-3166 country codes
  • proxy: add support for hosting separate user-docs

Madek 3.20.1 "Grdjic"


  • Integrate HFG hosts; switch default protocol from http to https

Madek 3.20.0 "Grdjic"


  • feat: error translations
  • feat: set write scope when creating API tokens
  • fix: embeds: support parameter for css-workaround

Madek 3.19.0 "Bucher"


  • feat: show deactivated user as Gelöschter User
  • feat: search: do not return deactivated users
  • feat: resource link to admin interface


  • Don’t list or show deactivated users


  • feat: add is_deactivated checkbox to user’s form

Madek 3.18.1 "Hodler"


  • feature: Manage users and groups via API: add /users/ and /group-users/ resources

Madek 3.18.0 "Hodler"


  • fix: performance issue when saving keyword


  • feature: batch action to remove meta datum from resources

Madek 3.17.2 "Spyri"


  • feature: Manage groups via API

ZHdK Integration

  • clean-up: Remove references to InstitutionalGroupsImporter


  • feat: the ‘Ignored keyword keys for browsing’ setting can be edited


  • feat: create user token from external app
  • feat: internationalization
  • fix: styling of explore view

Madek 3.16.0 "Schilter"



  • Set new http hostnames for HSLU hosts


  • feature: add person show view
  • feature: merge login and explore page
  • fix: after clicking ok on batch delete all modal show preloader as feedback to prevent user clicking several times
  • fix: change „alle n von stapel entfernen“ to „stapel leeren“ since always all are removed, even if you only show sets or entries
  • fix: reduce maximum selection in box to 36 instead of 50 since the set selection dialog does not work otherweise

Madek 3.15.0 "Lüthi"



  • feature: support batch edit for whole sets
  • feature: show all meta data edit in dropdown for mixed resources; only batch edit authorized resources
  • feature: add exporter hint to share modal
  • feature: show modal when saving meta data form
  • feature/fix: add browse in dropdown for media entries; fix order of buttons and actions
  • fix: for meta data edit only use vocabulary meta keys which are enabled for the resource type
  • fix: order by edit_session_updated_at instead of meta_data_updated_at
  • fix: tokens table headers and some text fixes
  • fix: after transfer responsibility show view permissions instead of edit permissions to prevent authorization exception
  • fix: batch update with ajax put method failed because of custom url redirect
  • fix: wording and route naming
  • fix: icons and labels
  • fix: use transfer responsibility permissions rule to make admin mode working; set new rights for responsible user, not for logged in user
  • fix: do not show share button for unpublished entries
  • spec: firefox esr path


  • feature: Publish all properties of the meta-key resource
  • feature: Enable basic-auth sign-in via email-address or login


  • feature: restrict actions of meta keys belonging to madek_core Vocabulary
  • spec: firefox esr path


  • spec: prepare upgrade to Firefox ESR 52

Madek 3.14.0 "Bass"



  • feature: browse similar entries (“Stöbern”)
  • feature: for permissions filter add api filter; fix wording and order; add count for visibility filters
  • feature: improve dashboard
  • feature: introduce actions dropdown for media entry and collection pages
  • feature: prefill autocomplete for extensible keywords too
  • feature: selection limit modal
  • fix: automatically open of sections for selected filter
  • fix: do not show empty resource actions dropdown; change texts
  • fix: do not show user/group permissions autocomplete in side filter if it is empty
  • fix: sort featured set according to saved sorting
  • fix: text in media entry export dialog
  • fix: texts for entry and set dropdowns


  • feat: enable extended sorting for Vocabularies, MetaKeys & Keywords
  • ui: show link to Assistant section on dashboard page

Madek 3.13.1 "Töpffer"


  • Filter by Permissions when searching/filtering
  • “Share” Dialog for Entries


  • feat: context_keys: add move to top/bottom sortings
  • feat: ui: replace huge dropdowns with choosing from listings
  • feat: add snippets to SQL Reports
  • feat: sql snippets: add query to find videos with incomplete previews


  • fix: CORS preflights


  • feat: explore: catalog can use institutional groups
  • feat: permissions filters
  • feat: share modal and view
  • fix: adjust texts for share modal and fix button order
  • fix: do not show filename search for collection dashboard sections
  • fix: make whole side filter async
  • fix: ui: configured vocab order in ‘all data’ tab

Madek 3.13.0 "Töpffer"


  • Add API-Tokens and remove sessions.


  • feat: ui: icon: add ‘checkbox-mixed’
  • feat: User API-Tokens
  • feat: filters for sets and in sets
  • feat: vocabulary permissions and member list for group show
  • fix: Dashboard text
  • fix: show group name as link on resource permissions form if user is group member
  • fix: tri state checkbox for page selection
  • fix: wording and separators on dashboard

Madek 3.12.0 "YEÄH!"



  • breaking change: migrate Licenses to Keywords with a ‘custom type’ (PR 32)


  • feat: add content to clipboard in chunks
  • feat: Keyword show page with info resources box
  • feat: (beta) browse “similar entries”
  • feat: store user settings in db
  • feat: allow sorting wherever possible (by title only for set boxes)
  • feat: if entries result is empty use set fallback if only search filter or no filters used
  • feat: ui: MetaDatumText: more readable line length
  • fix: remove drafts from clipboard again
  • fix: adjust draft text messages
  • fix: dashboard: clipboard always in menu, fallback message
  • fix: move default license hack from upload controller to settings
  • fix: remove select all button in box
  • fix: ui: show support tab only when configured
  • fix: add clipboard to user menu
  • fix: add sorting for vocabulary contents and vocabulary term
  • fix: dont show pages selection when logged out
  • fix: enable „remove all from clipboard“ for large sizes
  • fix: only show selection for thumbnails if dropdown menu is shown
  • fix: show meta data for list layout in list mode (one column)
  • fix: ui: LoginMenu: no tabs if only system login
  • perf: presenter: ActivityStream: optimize dump
  • docs: render docs from feature specs


  • feat: dashboard: system and storage info
  • feat: manage Authentication Groups
  • feat: SQL Reports (alpha, opt-in)
  • feat: filtering people by subtype
  • feat: support default license/usage AppSettings
  • feat: ui: show where meta keys are enabled for on vocabulary#show page
  • feat: ui: layout with wide navbar
  • feat: ui: show admin comments on overview pages
  • feat: ui: forms: use monospace textarea as setting inputs; ui adjustments

Madek v3.0.0-11.1 "Pulver"



  • feat: Confgure AAI sign-in
  • feat: view for vocabulary keyword terms
  • feat: Add signed-in users group; identify ZHdK group by id (and not by name)
  • feat: ui: persist list config in user session
  • feat: configure login providers
  • perf: add and remove collection children using arcs for performance
  • fix: disable actions dropdown for uploader
  • fix: add all text in dropdown should show total count
  • fix: ui: ResourcePermissions: don’t add existing subjects
  • fix: login: cleanup routes
  • fix: batch delete hint text


  • feat: display statistics on dashboard page
  • fix: ui: list user groups as list

Madek v3.0.0-11.0 "Pulver"

New Features in webapp:

Embeds: redesign, support audio and images, add Open Graph protocol

Workflow enhancements:

  • beta: clipboard collection for batch processing
  • add “batch delete” action
  • enable list view mode in all “resource boxes”



  • feat: when moving meta_keys, make a log entry in admin_comment
  • ui/settings: make Support URL setting editable
  • feat: users: list groups an user belongs to, minor ui updates
  • meta_keys: list contexts in which a meta key is used


  • settings: embeds config
  • Only dump structure_and_data, no more data only


  • feat: enable list view everywhere; fix usage data relation information
  • feat: dashboard: async section has retry button with fallback link
  • feat: clipboard collection (beta)
  • feat: batch delete resources
  • feat: Embed Player: support audio and images
  • feat: selection per page in resources box
  • feat: ui: enhance MediaEntry embed & preview
  • feat: view: MediaEntry: add Open Graph protocol
  • fix: ActivityStream: handle drafts, dont fetch if empty
  • fix: clipboard: dashboard section, wording
  • fix: previews: video small thumb selection
  • fix: view: CollectionShow: highlights set covers
  • fix: Enable or disable the shibboleth route via a setting
  • fix: ui: VocabularyKeywords: correct label for order
  • fix: ui: don’t use Array.prototype.includes
  • fix: controller: sessions: redirect for GET methods

Madek v3.0.0-10.2 "Miedinger"

UX fixes for webapp:

  • VideoPlayer: ensure inital state of HD toggle is displaye correctly
  • Tile View: make caption clickable (fixes problem with very wide images)

Madek v3.0.0-10.1 "Miedinger"

Admin enhancements, a simple HD toggle for the video player and small fixes.



  • feat: player: HD toggle
  • fix: app: more secure authentication
  • fix: deprecate License, make them behave like keywords
  • fix: presenters: display of user permissions


  • feat: improve meta key creation/update
  • feat: MetaKeys can be renamed and even moved
  • feat: style: forms for “new” actions have a yellowish background
  • fix: MetaKeys: enhance edit and move forms
  • fix: MetaKeysCreation: auto-correct given id (vocabulary prefix)


  • reverse-proxy: enable HSTS when using certbot
  • reverse-proxy: avoid duplicate header
  • reverse-proxy: add Forwarded-Proto header

Madek v3.0.0-10.0 "Miedinger"



  • vocabularies: improve ui
  • fix meta key with People type creation


  • feat: view: VocabulariesIndex: list MetaKeys
  • feat: view: Vocabulary: Permissions tab
  • feat: view: VocabularyPermissions: group edit button
  • feature: add relation counts to usage data
  • feature: split more_data into more_data and usage_data
  • fix: do not show keyword checkboxes if extensible
  • fix: for transfer responsibility remove existing permissions for new user
  • fix: meta data edit: extareas
  • fix: meta data listing layout and texts
  • fix: never set newly created Sets ‘public’
  • fix: only show delete icon on flyout if destroyable instead of editable
  • fix: only show vocab keywords if content available
  • fix: permissions layout and labels
  • fix: show detailed name for institutional groups on permissions form
  • fix: style: allow multine-line tag cloud items
  • fix: style: MediaPlayer: fullscreen background
  • fix: ui: cleanup url params in box links
  • fix: ui: more careful auto-linking for MetaDatumText
  • fix: ui: Vocabulary pages borders
  • perf: memoize current_user

Madek v3.0.0-9.0 "Celtic Frost"

Adds functionality to transfer responsibility of Entries and Sets to another user, plus many fixes and performace enhancements (especially image-related)



  • feat: transfer responsibility
  • fix: view: increase resource box auto-loading
  • fix: view: shuffle teaser and catalog images
  • fix: view: image preview handling
  • fix: view: collection highlights preview display
  • fix: my: ActivityStream: remove ‘beta’, fallback message
  • fix: keyword/term routes


  • fix: webapp_keyword_path
  • fix keywords & meta keys ordering
  • fix: compute keyword usage correctly


  • reverse-proxy: enable letsencrypt cert if present

Madek v3.0.0-8.0 "Glauser"


  • several fixes, some security related
  • add custom urls management
  • improved MetaData editing
  • better Vocabulary-related UI


  • provide UI to cleanup keywords
  • create/duplicate Context from Context/Vocab


  • core vocabulary fixes and improvements
  • improved deploy, especially for first-time setup



  • feat: provide keywords management
  • feat: create/duplicate Context from Context/Vocab
  • fix: hide “re-encode missing” features


  • deploy-info: “deploy time”, “is_latest_release”
  • build: add changes since last release
  • fix: apache: add ServerName
  • fix: build: deploy_info: time -> build_time
  • fix: monit: restart instead of reload
  • test: container: run first-time-setup playbook
  • add playbook ‘first-time-setup’


  • fix(security): policy: enforce correct permissions for update permissions
  • fix(security): export: don’t serve HTML uploads as HTML
  • feat: add confirmation dialog to custom urls transfer and adjust flash messages
  • feat: custom urls management
  • feat: embed edit meda data by vocabulary inside a tab
  • feat: explore menu entry to vocabularies
  • feat: vocabulary quick links in meta data edit by vocabulary
  • feat: view: release: more deploy info
  • fix: ActivityStream: section name, more formal language
  • fix: disable save button logic
  • fix: meta data edit tests
  • fix: only show extra contexts which have meta data content
  • fix: only show links for vocabulary titles, not for context titles
  • fix: remove filter set saving from dropdown
  • fix: routes: keyword terms, fixes
  • fix: style: MediaPlayer: remove ghostlines
  • fix: vocabulary title links should look the same everywhere

Madek v3.0.0-7.5 "Petitpierre"

webapp: better Vocabulary Pages and lots of small fixes



  • feat: add vocabulary links to „more data“ view
  • feat: add hint texts to relations page
  • feat: release info: deploy and dev info, all releases
  • feat: vocabulary contents
  • feat: release info page
  • feat: meta data edit thumbnail links to media preview
  • fix: autocomplete dropdown width
  • fix: InputTextDate: fix missing inputs
  • fix: style: consistent font rendering (webkit)
  • fix: routes: fix terms with special characters
  • fix: use larger previews for thumbnail link on meta data edit
  • fix: hint texts for vocabulary keywords and contents
  • fix: relations texts and layouting
  • fix: vocab link color; fix: relations texts and layout

Madek v3.0.0-7.4 "Petitpierre"

Admin: New audio/video batch re-encoding process. Webapp: Better file downloads and PDF viewing fixes; customizable HTML (e.g. custom styles or analytics).



  • feat: view: layout: add extra content from settings
  • fix: overwrite content type application/x-pdf with application/pdf
  • fix: use filename with extension for original and preview file downloads


  • media_files: client/server batch encoding process
  • fix: app-settings: hide secrets from deploy-config (Madek/madek_admin-webapp#1)


  • @zhdk: add HD video previews
  • @zhdk: add piwik tracking code
  • add settings for webapp extra html content

Madek v3.0.0-7.3 "Petitpierre"

adds media files view mass re-encoding of audio files to the admin ui.



  • feat: view: add deploy config to app_settings#index
  • feat: media files listing with filters, mass re-encoding of audio files


  • zencoder: set audio codec to mp3
  • @zhdk: update AGW and zencoder config

Madek v3.0.0-7.2 "Petitpierre"

fixes and performance enhancements



  • feature: add relations pages for media entries (consistent with collections)
  • feat: beta add ActivityStream / dashboard timeline
  • fix: set return to for cancel button on meta data batch edit fallback form
  • fix: null title for drafts in fallback meta data edit form
  • fix: ui: VideoPlayer fullscreen styles
  • fix: hacky workaround for buggy ActiveRecord. Sad.


  • templates/rails.service: start puma in production env
  • inventory: disable shibboleth on test-blank
  • feat: archive-build: add datalayer tree id

Madek v3.0.0-7.1 "Petitpierre"

hotfix release, fixes Audio Entries



  • hotfix: audio player/audio entry view

Madek v3.0.0-7.0 "Petitpierre"



  • feat: batch edit Collection Permissions
  • feat: collection batch meta data edit
  • feat: meta data edit grouping
  • feat: oEmbed API, embedded API, video player
  • feat: sort meta_key keywords if required for meta_key
  • feat: use meta_data_updated_at for sorting by last change
  • feat: view: my: add Vocabularies link to sidebar
  • feat: vocabulary keywords overview
  • fix: fix MetaDatumText inputs (line vs block/textarea)
  • fix: add-to-/remove-from-set dropdown actions
  • fix: do not show actions dropdown on upload page
  • fix: enable links for vocabulary keywords
  • fix: highlights shows duplicates because of concat
  • fix: better hightlight selected collections
  • fix: session: default to persisted cookies, set to 2 weeks (ipad video bug)
  • fix: show all children for edit cover and edit highlights
  • fix: show selection dropdown again for collections
  • fix: ui: add more labels
  • fix: ui: VideoPlayer default sizing
  • fix: view: dashboard: only show Vocabularies link in sidebar
  • perf: boost presenter api / dump speed


  • feat: add collection-media-entry-arcs
  • feat: attributes :edit_session_updated_at, :meta_data_updated_at on collection and media_entry
  • feat: Increase the default per page from 10 to 100
  • feat: sort keywords for meta_key if required for meta_key
  • feat: use meta_data_updated_at for sorting by last change
  • fix: permission bug: get_metadata_and_previews was sufficient to download original


  • fix: adjust edit forms for new MetaKey. text_type


  • config: zhdk: add setting ui_bundle_context_keys

Madek v3.0.0-6.0 "Béjart"



  • feat: add MetaData Contexts tabs for Sets
  • feat: ui: AutoComplete: “prefill” fixed keywords
  • feat: ui: AutoComplete: style existing values, show pending and empty results
  • feat: backend: add support to sign-in with shibboleth
  • fix: controller: fix resource permissions helper
  • fix: translations: “imports” -> “drafts”


  • fix: preview permission is sufficient for getting the media-file resource


  • feat: Settings: manage Teaser Set & Extra Contexts for Collection View
  • feat: make ‘is_extensible_list’ available only for MetaDatum::Keywords
  • feat: add Allowed Subtypes for MetaDatum::People form


  • initial support for shibboleth auth

Madek v3.0.0-5.0 "Oppenheim"

First pre-release for “Oppenheim”.



  • feat: CollectionRelations: show all
  • feat: CollectionShow: children type switcher
  • feat: display progress of processed files with Zencoder
  • feat: views: Vocabulary info pages
  • feat: sort set by last change
  • fix: MetaDataEdit: don’t submit form on enter
  • fix: Explore: larger teaser images
  • fix: PermissionsEdit: fullwidth inputs
  • fix: close set dialog before forward


  • feat: display progress of processed files with Zencoder

Madek v3.0.0-4.0 "Tinguely"

Fourth pre-release for Tinguely.


General and DB

  • Rework migration: consolidate ZHdK institutional groups
  • Adjust constraints on users table
  • Add login/email constraints on users table; adjust specs
  • Clean up meta and context keys; add related DB constraints
  • migrate meta data groups
  • extract ZencoderRequester as common part


  • feat: view: app: only show ‘my’ nav if logged in
  • feat: show edit sessions
  • feat: sorting for set children
  • feat: ui: forms: Input TextDate

  • fix: ui: MetaDatumGroups - MetaDatumPeople
  • fix: translations (minor text fixes)
  • fix: controller: don’t check CSRF when accepting usage terms
  • fix: view: Home: welcome message from AppSettings


  • feat: reencode video with Zencoder
  • fix: after switching to another user redirect to his archive

Madek v3.0.0-3.0 "Tinguely"

Third pre-release for Tinguely.


General and DB

  • Apply Unicode Normalisation to MetaDatumTexts and Keywords.


  • feat: “list” view (with MetaData) for Sets
  • feat: “tile” view for all Listings (Entries and Sets)
  • feat: show PDFs in browser (if supported)
  • feat: save layout for sets, show saved layout by default
  • feat: log into edit_sessions
  • fix: don’t try to show “Set Highlights” that are hidden for user
  • fix: explore: count for 2nd level & specs
  • fix: routes: add legacy redirects
  • fix: better ranking of autocomplete search results
  • visual fixes


  • list also not published Media Entries, add corresponding filter


  • fix: missing docs for collections & filter_sets
  • fix: meta_key id regex & update docs

Madek v3.0.0-0.rc.1 "Tinguely"

Second release candidate of the next version of Madek.


  • fix: API doc links in the API browser
  • fix: API meta_key id regex check and docs
  • fix: proper counts on explore catalog 2nd level page
  • fix: rewrite HTTP-redirect to HTTPs when using HTTPs
  • fix: MediaPlayer post image
  • fix: validation of new meta data for required context keys
  • feat: use configured site_title as html title
  • feat: set a default license/usage on upload
  • feat: use configured site_title as html title

Madek v3.0.0-0.rc.0 "Tinguely"

First release candidate of the next version of Madek.