Tone Systems

Bild:  Tone Systems

Tone Systems

Daniel Muzzulini

      • Seite 1 von 38
          Bild:  Tetraktys (6 : 8 : 9 : 12)

          Tetraktys (6 : 8 : 9 : 12)

          Gioseffo Zarlino

              Bild:  Matrix of tetrachords and fifths

              Matrix of tetrachords and fifths

              Guido of Arezzo

                  Bild:  Knight - trinity shield

                  Knight - trinity shield

                  Guilelmus Peraldus

                      Bild:  Trinity - Tetragrammaton

                      Trinity - Tetragrammaton

                      Petrus Alfonsi

                          Bild:  Pythagorean Semitone and Pythagorean Commas (detail)

                          Pythagorean Semitone and Pythagorean Commas (detail)

                          Michael Stifel

                              Bild:  Tritonus


                              Francisco Salinas

                                  Bild:  Hexachords


                                  René Descartes

                                      Bild:  Beats between triangular vibrations

                                      Beats between triangular vibrations

                                      Thomas Young

                                          Bild:  Mercator: 53-tet

                                          Mercator: 53-tet

                                          William Holder

                                              Bild:  Totius harmoniae vis hoc diagrammate fulget

                                              Totius harmoniae vis hoc diagrammate fulget

                                              Francisco Salinas

                                                  Bild:  Derivation of the syntonic consonances

                                                  Derivation of the syntonic consonances

                                                  Johannes Kepler

                                                      Bild:  Hic sunt omnes voces …

                                                      Hic sunt omnes voces …
