Tone Systems

Bild:  Tone Systems

Tone Systems

Daniel Muzzulini

      • Seite 1 von 38
          Bild:  Diatonic Scale, Two Octaves

          Diatonic Scale, Two Octaves

          Guillermus de Podio

              Bild:  Geometric division of musical intervals

              Geometric division of musical intervals

              Jacobus Faber Stapulensis

                  Bild:  Comparison of the Pythagorean comma with the Pythagorean semitone

                  Comparison of the Pythagorean comma with the Pythagorean semitone

                  Jacobus Faber Stapulensis

                      Bild:  Circular Pitches, Three Octaves

                      Circular Pitches, Three Octaves

                      Vincenzo Galilei

                          Bild:  Consonance Circle

                          Consonance Circle

                          René Descartes

                              Bild:  Hexachords


                              René Descartes

                                  Bild:  Diatonic Scale 2

                                  Diatonic Scale 2

                                  René Descartes

                                      Bild:  Diatonic Scale 1

                                      Diatonic Scale 1

                                      René Descartes

                                          Bild:  Consonance Circle

                                          Consonance Circle

                                          René Descartes

                                              Bild:  Diatonic Scale 2

                                              Diatonic Scale 2

                                              René Descartes

                                                  Bild:  Diatonic Scale 1

                                                  Diatonic Scale 1

                                                  René Descartes

                                                      Bild:  Hexachords


                                                      René Descartes