This year’s degree show of the Master Fine Arts at the Zurich University of the Arts ZHdK takes place at the Löwenbräukunst and is curated by Gianni Jetzer. There’s Always Tomorrow features works by graduating students AOSAA:
Angela Osterwalder & Sergio Antonio Araya, The Bad Conscience (Veru Loremipsum & LS Grave), Samrat Banerjee, Seline Baumgartner, Dorian Büchi, Ishita Chakraborty, Axel Crettenand, Michael Dandley, Jonathan Ospina, Helena Manuela Deck, Catherine Duboutay, Jana Eberhardt, Raphael Erhart, Gloria Galovic, Alice Gilardi,Stéphanie Gygax, Sarah Hepp, Mirjam Blanka Inauen, Andreina Isea Boscan, Raphael Kleindienst, Martin Mur, Aramis Navarro, Lourenço Soares, Giulia Ross / Under Other Names, Marco Russo, Ilona Stutz, Mélanie Therond, Denis Twerenbold and Ardil Yalinkiliç.