Beschreibung | - Weite, und eine Figur aus Erde beschaffen, die sich darin bewegt, immerfort und an verschiedenen Topografien vorbei, bis sie ankommt, anhält und eintaucht ins Meer, um sich schliesslich darin aufzulösen. Dazwischen Bilder, Portraits einer Frau und eines Mannes, in deren Mund sich Hummeln begeben, dessen Haut trocknet, und deren Antlitz zu leuchten beginnt, bevor es in der Dunkelheit entschwindet.
A Wideness strewn with rocks, with mountains on the horizon. And a figure, made of lumps of earth overgrown by something, in the midst of it. Restlessly moving through different topographies, passing by moors, lakes and mosses. Then there's a portrait of a woman, and bumblebees going into her mouth, after she opened it. An other portrait of a man, who's skin is at first moistly and then gets fissured, and again the woman who's countenance becomes fragile, and lightens up while it's getting dark. Walking by near boulders the figure arrives at the ocean, gets into it and in the end dissolves.