Förderungen Dossier Internationales


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  • Picture: Studienprojekte Website ZHdK

    Studienprojekte Website ZHdK

      Current set


      • Picture: Förderungen Dossier Internationales

        Förderungen Dossier Internationales

        Nadja Kirchhofer

          Sibling sets(2072)Show all →

          This set is related to the same sets as the selected set.

          • Picture: A Desire for the Real

            A Desire for the Real

            Paula Thomaka

              • Picture: Pop Work on the Platform

                Pop Work on the Platform

                Tim Wettstein

                  • Picture: Knowledge Flows: A Study of Para-institutional Art Schools in the Arab World

                    Knowledge Flows: A Study of Para-institutional Art Schools in the Arab World

                    Engy Mohsen

                      • Picture: Von Faltbooten und Heringen

                        Von Faltbooten und Heringen

                        Elena Brotschi

                          • Picture: Suki und Besjan

                            Suki und Besjan

                            Nicole Boner

                              • Picture: Suche nach Liebe

                                Suche nach Liebe

                                Hans Kaufmann

                                  • Picture: Padrone e Sotto

                                    Padrone e Sotto

                                    Michele Cirigliano

                                      • Picture: Mirages


                                        Wendy Pillonel

                                          • Picture: Männer


                                            Stefan Künzler

                                              • Picture: Heiligabend


                                                Remie Blaser

                                                  • Picture: Gutes Recht

                                                    Gutes Recht

                                                    Anita Blumer

                                                      • Picture: Eltern


                                                        Luca Ribler

                                                          Child sets(9)Show all →

                                                          These sets are now related to the selected set.

                                                          • Picture: Design Lab Brazil – Learning from the Informal

                                                            Design Lab Brazil – Learning from the Informal

                                                            Karin Zindel

                                                              • Picture: Slow Spicy Curatorial Practices

                                                                Slow Spicy Curatorial Practices

                                                                  • Picture: Austausch & Kooperation Chisinau-Zürich

                                                                    Austausch & Kooperation Chisinau-Zürich

                                                                    Jörg Scheller

                                                                      • Picture: KŌRYŪ 交流

                                                                        KŌRYŪ 交流

                                                                        Marianne Mueller

                                                                          • Picture: Start up Bangalore

                                                                            Start up Bangalore

                                                                            Christian Berger; Maria Rapp

                                                                              • Picture: «Tradition» – A Contemporary Dance Artistic Research

                                                                                «Tradition» – A Contemporary Dance Artistic Research

                                                                                Jens Badura; Aleksandra Dziurosz; Anton Rey

                                                                                  • Picture: NEULAND


                                                                                    Christian Imhof

                                                                                      • Picture: Manual for intercultural exchange

                                                                                        Manual for intercultural exchange

                                                                                        Felix Stalder

                                                                                          • Picture: Austausch Witwatersrand (WITS) University of the Arts

                                                                                            Austausch Witwatersrand (WITS) University of the Arts

                                                                                            Colette Baumgartner