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      Bild:  Coincidence theory of consonance

      Coincidence theory of consonance

      Leonhard Euler

          Bild:  Coincidence theory of consonance: intervals

          Coincidence theory of consonance: intervals

          Leonhard Euler

              Bild:  Coincidence theory of consonance: triads

              Coincidence theory of consonance: triads

              Leonhard Euler

                  Bild:  Coincidence theory of consonance: major triad

                  Coincidence theory of consonance: major triad

                  Leonhard Euler

                      Bild:  Visualisation of the coincidence theory of consonance

                      Visualisation of the coincidence theory of consonance

                      Francis North

                          Bild:  Coincidence theory of consonance

                          Coincidence theory of consonance

                          Galileo Galilei

                              Bild:  Derivation of the syntonic consonances

                              Derivation of the syntonic consonances

                              Johannes Kepler

                                  Bild:  Musical polygons

                                  Musical polygons

                                  Claudius Ptolomaeus

                                      Bild:  Arithmetic and harmonic division of the consonances (from fifth to double octave)

                                      Arithmetic and harmonic division of the consonances (from fifth to double octave)

                                      Francisco Salinas

                                          Bild:  Consonances within the square - helicona

                                          Consonances within the square - helicona

                                          Francisco Salinas

                                              Bild:  Progressione arithmetica

                                              Progressione arithmetica

                                              Gioseffo Zarlino

                                                  Bild:  Consonanze della Musica nel Quadrato (12x12)

                                                  Consonanze della Musica nel Quadrato (12x12)

                                                  Gioseffo Zarlino

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