"Euclid's altitude theorem"

  • Seite 1 von 1
      Bild:  Circular diagrams - combination tones

      Circular diagrams - combination tones

      Giuseppe Tartini

          Bild:  Bisection of the syntonic comma (81 : 80)

          Bisection of the syntonic comma (81 : 80)

          Francisco Salinas

              Bild:  Bisection of the major third (5 : 4)

              Bisection of the major third (5 : 4)

              Francisco Salinas

                  Bild:  Construction of the geometric mean

                  Construction of the geometric mean

                  Gioseffo Zarlino

                      Bild:  Bisection of the syntonic comma

                      Bisection of the syntonic comma

                      Lodovico Fogliano

                          Bild:  Geometric division of musical intervals

                          Geometric division of musical intervals

                          Jacobus Faber Stapulensis

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